Tether Ball, Trapeze Bar, Spring Thing & Steel Ladder
Rubber Tether Ball
Excellent for the Pamper Pole.
Official size and weight. Rugged rubber cover, recessed hook and nylon cord.
We ship it to you flat, you supply the air.
Trapeze Bar
An alternative to the tether ball. Great for the Leap of Faith.
An eyebolt at each end for easy installation.
1-1/4" x 36" Fiberglass Rod
Spring Thing
A strange name. We believe Project Adventure gave this apparatus its name. It is used on indoor courses to absorb belay loads. It relieves stress to the structure from where it hangs. It is ideal
for taking the jolt of a trapeze jumper. The SPRING must be backed up on critical applications.
Steel Access/Descent Ladder
This ladder is great for either entering or exiting the high confidence course. It should always be dynamically belayed (never static belayed using the ladder itself). Steel cable with aluminum
Length: 32 ft.