Starlight Outdoor
Starlight Outdoor


*********All of the following books are paper-backs.*********

Bottomless Bag Revival

The Bottomless Bag Revival is Karl's attempt to keep alive the original spirit, heart, and fun associated with adventure/experiential education.
Have you been hearing comments that adventure education has become just a series of "been there, done that" activities? Consider: it's not how many new activities are available, it's how well you use the old ones.
Karl's take on adventure programming is detailed in such a way that the basic development and combining of communication, cooperation, and trust within a matrix of fun and enjoyment becomes both the "grail" and raison d'être of this both paradoxically simple and profound approach to learning and life.
For faithful readers of Karl's various books on adventure/experiential education, "Revival" is basically the same book as The Bottomless Bag Again!?, with a new cover, new size, and some text changes.
350 Pages, Paperback, 1993©
ISBN: 0-7575-0878-2



The Theory of Experiential Education

A collection of articles addressing the historical, philosophical, social, and psychological foundations of Experiential Education.







Book of Metaphors Volume II

By Michael A. Gass, Ph.D. - A compilation of presentations designed to enhance learning for those participating in adventure-based programs. The use of metaphors in adventure programming often serves as the key factor in producing lasting functional change in clients.







Child Abuse And Neglect

by Narviar Carthicart Barker

Child Abuse And Neglect: An Interdisciplinary Method of Treatment. Contains both theoretical orientations about treatment of the abused and neglectedand how-to guidelines for use in identification and documentation. Practice suggestions are offered as a guide for treatment and identification to provide the reader with guidance and inspiration to help and to respond to the many children who cry silently for help.




Funn 'n Games

by Karl Rohnke

Funn 'n Games represents a one book compilation of the material represented in the four volumes previously entitled Funn Stuff, and as such, delivers over 300 pages of adventure games, initiatives, trust activities, miscellaneous funn, and seeds of serendipity (including 23 NEW activities not included in Funn Stuff.) I added, deleted, adjusted, rearranged, maintained and rethought the whole Funn Stuff series to offer what is now available, a highly usable games and initiative reference in one book.



Knots For Climbers

by Craig Luebben

A modern text that describes the knots commonly used and needed by climbers; written by a mechanical engineer and guide certified with the American Mountain Guides Association. This small book contains knowledge essential to all safe climbers.








Gym Climb

by John Long

Vertical, overhanging and upside-down climbing on indoor walls studded with bulbous handholds and footholds is the fastest-rising adventure sport. This book is a complete instruction guide to technique, safety, and getting the most out of your indoor climbing experience.







Ethical Issues In Experiential Education

by Jasper S. Hunt, Jr.

A philosophical book concerning ethical issues in the field of adventure programming and experiential education.

2nd Edition








Bridges To Accessibility

by Mark Havens, Ed.D.,C.T.R.S.

This book addresses the need for all of us in the Adventure fields to examine our own attitudes, and by working with participants and relevant specialists, make our own particular programs truly universal in scope.






Cowtails and Cobras II

"Cowstails and Cobras II" is a rewrite of Karl Rohnke's classic guide to games, initiative problems, and adventure activities. It contains much-and-more of what made up the original standard in Adventure Education, including sample curricula and leadership/debriefing skills.





Forget Me Knots

by Karl Rohnke

A gentle reminder of the knots, rope and lore used on a challenge ropes course. The rope vocabulary and knot sequences in this book relate, as much as possible, only to ropes (challenge) course activities. The book's content is meant more as a reminder than a definitive text on the subject of knots. A bowline-on-a-bight learned on day two of a workshop often becomes a tangle of memory snipets and rabbits-in-holes by the time a participant returns home. Here's text support that beats a last minute phone call looking for help on those elusive cordage twists and turns; illustrations and photographs throughout. 





Processing The Experience

by John L. Luckner and Reldan S. Nadler

Strategies to Enhance and Generalize Learning. 2nd Edition Making experiences usable, relevant, far reaching, and connected to existent knowledge are the goals of this book. 100's of Processing questions and activities. 






Quick Silver

QuickSilver: Adventure Games, Initiative Problems,
Trust Activities and A Guide to Effective Leadership
by Karl Rohnke
Co-author: Steve Butler
304 Pages Paperback 1995©
ISBN: 0-7872-2103-1




Silver Bullets

by Karl Rohnke

 A Guide to Initiative Problems, Adventure Games and Trust Activities. 165 more Adventure Activities each requiring few, if any, props. 





$25.95  ONLY 1 LEFT

Silver Bullets: 25th Anniversary Edition

Silver Bullets is a guide to initiative problems, adventure games and trust activities. The activities of this book have all been used effectively by a variety of teachers, counselors, therapists, camp directors and church leaders. All have wanted an effective, engaging way to bring people together to build trust, and to break down the artificial barriers between individuals and groups of individuals.





The Theory and Practice of Challenge Education

by Thomas E. Smith, Christopher C. Roland, Mark D. Havens & Judith A. Hoyt

This book defines and overviews the evolving orientation to the facilitation of growth and learning which can be summarized as "challenge education".







  ORDERS OVER               $250

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